Bikita’s tests

LP1 Test 29-05-2010 in Albertslund

Test LP1
Judge Hans Ove Pedersen, DK
Place 1 Price
Point 160

New official title 29.05.10: LP1 (Obedience)


Rally-Obedience Novice Trial in Slagelse Hundesport 16.04.2011

Trial: Rally-O Novice
Judge: Johanna Allanach
Result: Passed
Point: 94 out of 100 possible


Rally-Obedience Novice Trial in DcH Humlebæk 21.04.2011

Trial: Rally-O Novice
Judge: Frank Kuhfeld
Result: Passed,
Point: 95 out of 100 possible


Rally-Obedience Novice Trial in Belgierklubben kreds 3  15.05.11

Trial: Rally-O Novice
Judge: Frank Kuhfeld
Result: Passed
Point: 93 out of 100 possible


New official title the 15.05.11: Rally-Obedience Novice or Rally-B in Denmark


Rally-Obedience Advanced Trial, DKK 21.08.2011

Trial: Rally-O advanced
Judge: Frank  Kuhfeld
Result: Passed
Point: 82 ouf of 100 possible


Rally-Obedience Advanced Trial in Islandsk Fårehundeklub 08.10.2011

Trial: Rally-O advanced
Judge: Frank  Kuhfeld
Result: Passed
Point: 86 ouf of 100 possible


Rally-Obedience Advanced Trial in Dansk Collie Klub  15.10.11

Trial: Rally-O advanced
Judge: Trine  Dyrgaard
Result: Passed,  3. winner
Point: 98 out of 100 possible


New official title the 15.10.11: Rally-Obedience Advanced or Rally-Ø in Denmark



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